Waisenliste in Chortitza Kolonie in den Jahren 1815-1819 (vom 16 Januar 1820)

(Version, die nur die Informationen ueber die unmuendigen und ihre Vaeter einschliesst, alphabetisch sortiert) von Tim Janzen

Diese Liste wurde aus dem Mikrofilm "Odessa Archiv Fund 6, Inventories 1", Akte 926 "Waisenliste in Molotschna und Chortitza Kolonie 1819" von Tim Janzen erstellt und mir am 13. Aug 2005 per Email die erste Variante, und am 20. Dez 2005 die vollstaendig abgeschlossene Variante zugeschickt. Er hat diese Akte genau buchstablich abgeschrieben und verarbeitet, einige Daten, die seiner Meinung nach, fuer die Ahnenforschung irrelevant sind, wurden weggelassen.
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Englische Uebersetzung des Dokuments.
Version, die nur die Geldnehmer miteinschliesst.
Version die Geldnehmer einschliesst, alphabetisch sortiert.
Version, die nur die Informationen ueber die unmuendigen und ihre Vaeter einschliesst.


1820 Chortitza orphan records (minors and their fathers only_ al.)
Sort #
[Year estate was settled]
Information about the minors in each village
Father's given name
Father's surname
Birth date
Death date
Grandma #
26 1819 Kronsthal Maria, Helena, and Johann Goerzen received an inheritance from their mother ? ?        
35 1815 Burwalde The minors Jacob, Elisabeth, and Katharina Friesen had funds sent to them from Prussia ? ?        
46 1812 Insel Chortitza After the death of Diedrich Reimer his minor daughter has funds left for her ? ?        
63 1817 Neuendorf After the death of Gottlieb Sperling his 4 minor children have funds left for them ? ?        
72 1815 Neuendorf The minors Margareta and Peter Dueck have funds left for them after the death of their mother ? ?        
99 1819 Neu Osterwick Heinrich Wienz is entitled to receive funds from the Orphans Office ? ?        
9 1815 Chortitza Agatha Bartsch has funds left for her from her father Johann Bartsch?     12624?  
38 1816 Burwalde The minor Peter Berg had funds sent to him from Prussia Peter Berg     198792 or 198802  
3 1810 Chortitza After the death of Bernhard Bargen his 3 minor children have funds left for them Bernhard Bergen 29 May 1769 8 Apr 1809 265582  
67 1813 Neuendorf After the death of Jacob Bergen his minor son Jacob has funds left for him Jacob Bergen Abt 1731 or 30 Sep 1781   198571 or 749055  
66 1812 Neuendorf After the death of Peter Bergen his minor child Katharina has funds left for her Peter Bergen 1771   187141  
5 1813 Chortitza After the death of Gerhard Braun his minor son Gerhard has funds left for him Gerhard Braun Abt 1777   196197  
85 1818 Schoenhorst After the death of Gerhard Braun his heir Gerhard has funds left for him Gerhard Braun Abt 1769   196205  
33 1805 Burwalde The 2 minor children of Jacob Braeul have funds left for them after the death of their grandmother Jacob Breyel Abt 1772   196100  
68 1813 Neuendorf After the death of Peter Braeuel his minor daughter has funds left for her Peter Breyel Abt 1779   196101  
40 1817 Nieder Chortitza The minor son of Heinrich Bauer has funds left for him after the death of his father Heinrich Buhr Abt 1784   529558  
94 1818 Neu Osterwick Both heirs Jacob Doerksen and Johann Neudorf have have funds left for them from their mother Jacob Derksen 21 Dec 1767 20 Feb 1806 175545  
97 1816 Neu Osterwick After the death of the mother the two heirs of Gerhard Dueck have funds left for them Gerhard Dyck 8 Jan 1789 30 May 1867 196675  
88 1812 Neu Osterwick The heir of Jacob Dueck has funds left for him from his deceased mother Jacob Dyck     196345 or 198078?  
96 1818 Neu Osterwick After the death of the wife of Jacob Dueck his son Jacob has funds left for him Jacob Dyck     196347 or 159465  
93 1817 Neu Osterwick Maria Dueck has from her sister received the remaining funds Maria Dyck     196349?  
61 1813 Neuendorf The minors Peter, Heinrich, Maria, Anna, and Susana Dueck, have funds left for them after the death of their parents Peter Dyck Abt 1769   266404  
80 1809 Schoenhorst After the death of Peter Dueck his 3 heirs have funds left for them Peter Dyck     198865  
27 1812 Burwalde After the death of the wife of Mr. Dueck her 2 sons Johann and Abraham have funds left for them Peter Dyck?     26662?  
45 1813 Insel Chortitza After the death of Heinrich Enz his minor son Diedrich has funds left for him Heinrich Enns Abt 1763   199243  
44 1812 Insel Chortitza After the death of Kornelius Enz his brothers and sisters have funds left for them Cornelius Enns?     198328?  
53 1818 Einlage The Orphans Office owes Peter Enz the following amount Peter Ens Abt 1761 or Abt 1789   163183 or 197961  
89 1811 Neu Osterwick After the death of the wife of Abraham Epp the maternal portion for the heirs has been left for them Abram Epp Abt 1751   198448  
12 1817 Chortitza After the death of the wife of Mr. Epp her 3 minor children David, Barbara, and Maria have funds left for them David Epp 24 Sep 1781 15 May 1843 63939  
13 1816 Chortitza The funds received from Prussia by Anna Epp consisted of: David Epp 15 Jun 1750 29 Sep 1802 12844  
15 1807 Rosenthal After the death of Heinrich Epp his 4 minor children have funds left for them Heinrich Epp 9 Jan 1757 25 Nov 1805 12610  
76 1819 Neuendorf After the death of Peter Friesen his 8 heirs have funds left for them Peter Friesen Abt 1751 or Abt 1769   199300 or 199309  
81 1814 Schoenhorst After the death of the wife of Wilhelm Friesen his daughter has funds left for her Wilhelm Friesen Abt 1771   228193  
55 1808 Neuenburg The minors Johann, Peter, and Helena Froese have funds left for them after the death of their parents Peter Froese 16 Oct 1755 16 Apr 1806 173745  
90 1814 Neu Osterwick After the death of the wife of Heinrich Funk his heir has funds left for them Heinrich Funk 13 Jul 1783 1 Jan 1872 54737  
82 1816 Schoenhorst After the death of Jacob Giesbrecht his 4 remaining heirs have funds left for them Jacob Giesbrecht Abt 1765   198892  
41 1810 Nieder Chortitza After the death of Abraham Guenter his 5 minor children have funds left for them Abraham Ginter Abt 1764   198602  
60 1814 Neuendorf After the death of Johann Guenter his wife has funds left for her Johan Ginter Abt 1762   198610  
28 1813 Burwalde After the death of Abraham Harder his minor son Franz has funds left for him Abraham Harder Abt 1765 5 May 1806 45332  
65 1810 Neuendorf After the death of Jacob Harder his minor child Johann has funds left for him Jacob Harder Abt 1749 13 Oct 1807 198555  
84 1817 Schoenhorst After the death of the wife of Mr. Heidebrecht her 3 heirs have funds left for them Johann Heidebrecht Abt 1773   45419  
58 1816 Neuenburg The minors Philip, Johann, Abraham, Susana, and Katharina Hiebert have funds left for them after the death of their parents Johan Hiebert Abt 1746   196150  
31 1814 Burwalde After the death of Diedrich Hildebrand his 5 minor children have funds left for them Dietrich Hildebrandt Abt 1749   174972  
59 1818 Neuenburg The heir Saara Hildebrand has received funds from her grandmother Isaac Hildebrandt Abt 1758   227868  
1 1811 Chortitza The 3 minor von Kampen daughters, Anna, Maria, and Helena, have funds left to them by their deceased parents Jacob Kampen 14 Aug 1763 28 Aug 1810 196806  
11 1816 Chortitza After the death of the wife of Mr. Von Kampen her son Peter has funds left for him Jacob Kampen 5 Jul 1793 26 Jul 1867 196808  
19 1815 Rosenthal After the death of Isaak Kasdorf his heirs have funds left for them Isaak Kasdorf Abt 1767   266385  
71 1815 Neuendorf After the death of the wife of Isaac Klassen her 4 minor children have funds left for them Isaak Klassen 12 Jul 1778   198596  
39 1805 Burwalde The 4 minor heirs of their deceased father Julius Klassen have funds left for them Julius Klassen 10 Jan 1752 Feb 1804 265383  
14 1818 Chortitza After the death of the wife of Isaak Klassen her 2 children have funds left for them Isaak Klassen?     406321?  
47 1817 Insel Chortitza The balance of the inheritance of Abraham Krahn Abraham Krahn Abt 1778   528303  
29 1813 Burwalde The 2 minor daughters Anna and Maria Krahn have funds left for them after the death of their mother Bernhard Krahn Abt 1770   173606  
16 1812 Rosenthal After the death of Johann Kran his 6 minor children have funds left for them Johann Krahn Abt 1763   173128  
56 1808 Neuenburg The minor Arend Lehn has funds left for him after the death of his parents Jacob Lehn 25 May 1767 24 Jul 1801 265722  
43 1816 Schoenwiese After the death of Jacob Martens and his wife their 2 minor children Jacob and Katharina have funds left for them Jacob Martens 16 Feb 1784 6 Jun 1815 7691  
64 1810 Neuendorf The minors Jacob and Peter Martens have funds left for them after the death of their mother Peter Martens Abt 1769   486885  
18 1811 Rosenthal After the death of Giesbrecht Neudorf his 4 minor children have funds left for them Isebrecht Neudorf Abt 1755   46110  
95 1818 Neu Osterwick Both heirs Jacob Doerksen and Johann Neudorf have have funds left for them from their mother Johann Neudorf 1 Mar 1783 15 Apr 1860 174360  
20 1819 Rosenthal The wife of Gerhard Neufeld has asked for funds from the Orphans Office for her son Gerhard Gerhard Neufeld Abt 1755   159471  
42 1818 Nieder Chortitza After the death of Cornelius Nickel his 3 minor children have funds left for them Cornelius Nickel 20 Aug 1773   198270  
30 1811 Burwalde After the death of Johann von Niessen his 3 minor children have funds left for them Johann Niessen Abt 1757   198139  
32 1814 Burwalde The minor Johann Olfert has funds left for him after the death of his parents Johan Olfert Abt 1776   198711  
79 1812 Schoenhorst The balance of the funds of the senior (or old) Mr. Olfert Hermann Olfert?     196434?  
6 1815 Chortitza After the death of Gerhard Penner his 5 minor children have funds left for them Gerhard Penner 15 Oct 1758   21316  
2 1810 Chortitza The minors Heinrich, Maria, and Christina Penner, have funds left for them from their deceased parents Jacob Penner 1 Feb 1756 2 Jan 1804 21416  
8 1815 Chortitza After the death of their mother the minors Jacob and Peter Penner have funds left for them Jacob Penner 8 Oct 1782   21420  
10 1816 Chortitza After the death of Johann Penner his brothers and sisters have funds left for them Johann Penner Abt 1786   197450  
52 1818 Einlage After the death of Johann Penner his 6 heirs have funds left for them Johann Penner Abt 1753   46253  
73 1817 Neuendorf The minor Helena Peters has funds left for her after the death of her mother Arend Peters 2 Feb 1783 17 Aug 1846 159456  
57 1812 Neuenburg After the death of Jacob Peters and his wife their 3 minor children have funds left for them Jacob Peters Abt 1752 1801 196154  
21 1819 Rosenthal Gerhard Preis has funds left for him from his deceased father Gerhard Pries Abt 1764 20 Oct 1817 110533  
34 1815 Burwalde The minors Katharina, Anna, and Anganetha Reimer have funds left for them after the death of their mother Jacob Reimer Abt 1771   197153  
70 1815 Neuendorf After the death of the wife of Jacob Reimer her 5 minor children have funds left for them Jacob Reimer Abt 1771   son of 198524  
23 1819 Rosenthal The heirs of Johann Reimer have received the maternal portion of their funds Johan Reimer Abt 1769   126903  
74 1817 Neuendorf After the death of Peter Reimer his minor child Peter has funds left for him Peter Reimer?     198425?  
87 1808 Neu Osterwick After the death of Kornelius Rempel his 3 daughters have funds left for them Cornelius Rempel Abt 1770   196663 This possibly is a reference to the first wife of Cornelius Rempel, Katharina (b. ca 1771) since Cornelius Rempel was still living in 1814. It is also possible that the year the estate of Cornelius Rempel was settled was supposed to have been 1818 rather than 1808 since Cornelius Rempel appears to have died between 1814 and 1816.
91 1814 Neu Osterwick Cornelius Rempel's daughters have funds left for them from their father, mother, and grandmother Cornelius Rempel Abt 1770   196663  
37 1816 Burwalde The 4 minor children of Johann Rempel had funds sent to them from Prussia Johann Rempel Abt 1772   146517  
101 1819 Schoeneberg After the death of the wife of Wilhelm Rempel her heirs have funds left for them Wilhelm Rempel Abt 1791   53497  
36 1816 Burwalde The minors Paul, Bernhard, Christina, and Helena Schellenberg have funds left for them after the death of their father Bernhard Schellenberg Abt 1759 23 Mar 1813 198073 Christina's name should have instead been given as Katharina
25 1815 Kronsthal After the death of Johann Schellenberg his minor son Johann has funds left for him Johann Schellenberg Abt 1755   197207  
54 1810 Kronsweide After the death of George Siemens and his wife their minor daughter Saara has funds left for her Georg Siemens Abt 1765   198192  
22 1819 Rosenthal The 3 minor children of Heinrich Siemens have funds left for them Heinrich Siemens Abt 1765   198630  
17 1812 Rosenthal Margareta, Gerhard, Anna, and Helena Siemens have funds left for them from their deceased father Johann Siemens 24 Dec 1771 1809 159474  
75 1818 Neuendorf After the death of the wife of Abraham Suderman his minor daughter Helena has funds left for her Abram Suderman Abt 1796   198659  
78 1812 Schoenhorst The minors Peter, Jacob, Abraham Teichroew and Wilhelm Hiebert have funds left for them after the death of their mother Johann Teichkrew Abt 1762   144717  
86 1819 Schoenhorst To the heirs of the Heinrich Thiesen family as their maternal portion Heinrich Thiessen Abt 1779   197275  
100 1819 Neu Osterwick The widower Wilhelm Thiessen is to entitled to receive funds from the Orphans Office Wilhelm Thiessen Abt 1745   198171  
50 1814 Einlage After the death of the wife of Heinrich Unger her 2 minor children have funds left for them Heinrich Unger 11 Apr 1786 11 Oct 1855 219660  
92 1812 Neu Osterwick The heiress of Cornelius Voigt has inherited funds as her maternal portion Cornelius Vogt Abt 1782   197989  
49 1814 Einlage After the death of Johann Voigt and his wife their 4 minor children have funds left for them Johan Vogt Abt 1755   197987  
7 1814 Chortitza After the death of Jacob Walde his 7 minor children have funds left for them Jacob Wall Abt 1760 Jan-May 1803 20124  
62 1814 Neuendorf After the death of Johann Walde his 7 minor children and also the minor children Aron and Elisabeth have funds left for them after the death of their mother Johann Wall Abt 1768   107486  
83 1816 Schoenhorst The 6 minor heirs of Peter Walde have inherited money from their father Peter Wall Abt 1775   530181  
4 1813 Chortitza After the death of Gerhard Wiebe his 4 minor children have funds left for them Gerhard Wiebe Abt 1772   197451  
69 1815 Neuendorf After the death of the wife of Heinrich Wiebe her 6 minor children have funds left for them Heinrich Wiebe 3 Jul 1775 7 Oct 1849 173185  
77 1819 Neuendorf The minor children of the widow of Bernhard Wienz have their father's portion left to them Bernhard Wiens Abt 1775   198669  
48 1817 Insel Chortitza After the death of Diedrich Wienz his surviving wife has funds left for her Diedrich Wiens Abt 1755   199274  
51 1818 Einlage The 3 minor children of the deceased Jacob Wienz have funds left for them after the death of their grandmother Jacob Wiens Abt 1761 11 Jul 1812 197289  
98 1819 Neu Osterwick The former landowner Johann Wienz received funds from the Orphans Office Johann Wiens Abt 1786   789240  
24 1819 Rosenthal The heirs of deceased Peter Wiens have inherited capital which was sent from Prussia to their stepfather Johann Janzen Peter Wiens?     47074?  


Mikrofilm "Odessa Archiv Fund 6, Inventories 1, Akte 926" S. 551-583. Tim Janzen. 2005

Zuletzt geaendert am 19 August 2005