Born: at: Married: at: Died: at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Born: at: Died: at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Name: Cornelius Neufeld Born: 1801 at: Rosental, Chortiza, South Russia 1 Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Anna Neufeld Born: 1803 at: Rosental, Chortiza, South Russia 1 Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Jacob Neufeld Born: 1806 at: Rosental, Chortiza, South Russia 1 Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Maria Neufeld Born: 1809 at: Rosental, Chortiza, South Russia Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
SOURCES 1) Kronsweide: The Old Colony, The First Settlers: 1788-1814,
Zuletzt geaendert am 09 April 2002